Isaac's genuine care for others, coupled with his technical proficiency, makes him an exceptional choice for those seeking a high-quality, personalized massage therapy experience.

Isaac (Sak) Lee

Isaac’s genuine care for others, coupled with his technical proficiency, makes him an exceptional choice for those seeking a high-quality, personalized massage therapy experience. His multicultural background, combined with his commitment to family, shapes his empathetic and caring approach, making every session a unique journey towards better health. Isaac is excited to welcome new and existing clients to his practice and looks forward to working with them on their wellness journey.

Isaac’s massage style is fluid, deep, and therapeutic, blending a variety of techniques tailored to the unique needs of each client. His expertise ranges from deep tissue and Swedish massage to myofascial release and active release. With a patient-focused approach, Isaac is committed to offering his clients a path towards relief from pain, improvement in posture, and recovery from injuries. His soothing techniques also provide a much-needed refuge for those seeking stress relief and relaxation.

Isaac “Sak” Lee, RMT, is a highly trained professional who recently received his registration after graduating from the esteemed Vancouver College of Massage Therapy (VCMT) in 2023.